Perfectly Free Business Checking
As good as it sounds! No traps... no fees... no kidding.
- 100% Free (unlimited transactions)
- $100.00
minimum opening deposit
- Free 24
hour access to account information through IBC Phone Express
- Images of checks and deposits included with monthly
- No monthly
service charge
- No minimum balance
- No transaction fees
Interest Checking
checking account for sole proprietors, non-profit organizations
and public agencies. Not available for incorporated businesses
or partnerships.
- $1,000
minimum opening deposit
- Tiered
interest rates to reward higher balances
- Free 24
hour access to account information through IBC Phone Express
- Monthly
- Monthly
service charge $8.00. No service charge when you maintain an
average daily balance of $5,000 or more
Analysis Business Checking
analysis checking is designed for business customers who maintain
higher balances and want to take advantage of using account balances
to offset all or a portion of service charges.
- $1,000
minimum opening deposit
- Earning
credit is calculated on the average collected balance less 10%
for reserve requirements and used to offset the monthly service
- Monthly
service charge $8.00 plus per item charges for deposits, items
deposited, and checks written